Lesson 2
Learn the phrases and fill in the missing ones in the sentences.
**************amount to - дорівнювати
amazed at/with - вражений
angry at what sb does - сердитий за те, що хтось робить
angry with sb - сердитий на когось
annoyed with sb - роздратований на когось
appeal to/against - виступати за/проти
anxious about sth - стурбований
anxious for sth to happen - з нетерпінням чекаючий того, що станеться
apologise to smb for sth - вибачатись
apply to sb - стосуватися когось
apply to sb for sth - звертатися до когось з приводу
approve of - одобрювати
argue with sb about sth - сперечатися з
arrive at - прибувати в(невелике поселення)
arrive in - прибувати в (велике поселення)
arrest sb for sth - арештувати за
astonished at/by - вражений
attached to - прикріплений (доданий)
attend to - бути уважним, надавати допомогу
aware of - в курсі
*************1 Bob's mom was _________him when she saw his report card from school.
2 I'm _____________ Paul McCartney
3 Is that everything you want to buy? That _______________ twenty dollars.
4 Families get extra benefits from the government in some countries, but it doesn't _____________ me because I am not married and have no children
5 The parliamentary Committee on Fight with Corruption and Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics __________ today’s ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court.
6 I was very ___________the classes.
7 Emergency crews are still ____________ a cyclist who was hit at Kingsway east of Boundary earlier this afternoon.
8 I'm sure the training sessions in Alicante will be tough and intense, but I am ___________ this new challenge to begin and to be ready for when the best comes.
9 Be _______________ the risk and requirements
10 Israel is ______________ Russian plan to sell Syria missiles.
Lesson 1
These are the answers for the previous lesson :
1. advice about
2. abide by
3. abstain from
4. account for, account for
5. adjacent to
6. aim at
7. ahead of
8. advantage over
9. advantage of
10. accompanied by
Learn the phrases and fill in the missing ones in the sentences.
abide by - жити біля, миритися з
absent from - відсутній
abstain from - утримуватися від
accompanied by - у супроводі
according to - згідно
account for - дорівнювати, пояснювати
accuse sb of - звинувачувати
accustomed to - звиклий
acquainted with - знайомий
addicted to - залежний
adequate for - підходящий
adjacent to - суміжний, поруч
advantage of - перевага (чогось)
advantage in - перевага (в чомусь)
advantage over - перевага (над чимось)
advice on/about - порада
be afraid of - боятися
agree to/on smth - погоджуватися з
agree with smb - погоджуватися з
ahead of - напередодні
aim at - цілитися на
allergic to - маючий алергію на
amazed at/by - здивований
1.Get help and ____________teen dating, teen love, teen sex and teen relationships.
2.They signed agreement, and they must ___________ it.
3. Many Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that it is a gross sin to accept a blood transfusion, since the Bible states that we must "____________ blood."
4.the Indians ________5% of the population . The government can't _______ its bad policy.
5. In a shocking turn of events that has galvanized Democrats into action, the Ku Klux Klan has announced the purchase of land __________ the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, so it can build the 13-story “Robert K. Byrd Memorial Cultural and Edumacational Center” to tower over a site considered sacred to those committed to the civil rights movement in this country.
6. Are current playground safety standards _______________ preventing arm fractures?
7. Republicans retain lead __________November elections.
8. During the math test, Dexter had an ____________ the other students, because he had brought a calculator with him.
9.Well, how often have you taken ____________ those attractions?
10. Mr. Brian Molestrangler, ________________ his beautiful wife, Celia, sat down to a delicious meal.
1 коментар:
Hello, Ms.Byzova.It's Alla. My answers are after the exercise.
1.Get help and ____________teen dating, teen love, teen sex and teen relationships.
2.They signed agreement, and they must ___________ it.
3. Many Jehovah's Witnesses sincerely believe that it is a gross sin to accept a blood transfusion, since the Bible states that we must "____________ blood."
4.the Indians ________5% of the population . The government can't _______ its bad policy.
5. In a shocking turn of events that has galvanized Democrats into action, the Ku Klux Klan has announced the purchase of land __________ the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia, so it can build the 13-story “Robert K. Byrd Memorial Cultural and Edumacational Center” to tower over a site considered sacred to those committed to the civil rights movement in this country.
6. Are current playground safety standards _______________ preventing arm fractures?
7. Republicans retain lead __________November elections.
8. During the math test, Dexter had an ____________ the other students, because he had brought a calculator with him.
9.Well, how often have you taken ____________ those attractions?
10. Mr. Brian Molestrangler, ________________ his beautiful wife, Celia, sat down to a delicious meal.
1. advice about
2. abide by
3. abstain from
4. account for, agree to
5. adjacent to
6. aim at
7. ahead of
8. advantage over
9. advantage of
10. accompanied by
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