Technology itself is not bad, it is the people that use and abuse it. Society needs to look at technology at different angles and realize that there are problems with it. Someone should also start a help group for technology junkies, a field that is forever growing. -- David Rogers (wish_you_had_one@hotmail.com),
do you people really think there's only two ways about this. why does it have to be so black and white. technology is human development and is the outlet for our creative process. to do away with that is to deny us our humanity. but to advance to the detriment of any other kind of life around us is to ensure our demise as well. why can't we have both with some kind of justifiable balance? -- marilyn hillarious (mhillarious@mailcity.com),
You dou's are so wrong. Technology is a double edged sword. In the future I see a person sitting on a couch with his internet/TV with which he can order his groceries, watch porn, talk to his mom and take college classes. He will never need to get off the couch and grow obese beyond belief. But thanks to technology, he can get his arteries unclogged and lipo the fat right out of him so he can start the vicious cycle again. Is that our future!!?? Our eyes sunken in from countless sleepless nights on internet! Wondering what the sky looks like? Wondering when the new version of Windows in coming out??? -- Jimmy Havok (JHavok@phunmail.com),

Gareth Davies, a teacher from Wales, after presenting Oxford Heroes to Ukrainian teachers in Kyiv on 24 November 2009.
Gareth Davies has been working in the TEFL industry for 11 years. He has taught in the Czech republic, Portugal and the United Kingdom. He was awarded the Cambridge RSA DELTA in 2001. Gareth has been involved in teacher training since 2001 and joined Prague Schools as head of TEFL in 2002. Recently Gareth has been involved in designing and delivering a training course for senior teachers and state school teachers for OUP and also delivers in service training at a number of schools in Prague.

Oxford Heroes 1 Student Book with MultiROM
Author: Quintana, J & Robb Benne, R
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780194806008
Publication Date: 2007
Price: Ј18.00
Author: Quintana, J & Robb Benne, R
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780194806008
Publication Date: 2007
Price: Ј18.00
Description: English level: High Starter A1
A fast-paced course for young teenagers.
A fast-paced course for young teenagers.
Oxford Heroes takes students from high-starter to intermediate level. Every unit of Oxford Heroes is divided into three complete lessons, providing a clear progression from new language to skills work.
Oxford Heroes takes students from high-starter to intermediate level. Every unit of Oxford Heroes is divided into three complete lessons, providing a clear progression from new language to skills work.
Key features
Cartoon stories and up-to-date texts make learning enjoyable and help motivate students.
Balanced syllabus develops all four skills with plenty of opportunities for speaking and writing.
Grammar and vocabulary sections provide clear presentation and plenty of practice.
Songs, projects, and a play, plus revision sections throughout the Student's Book, help recycle and reinforce new language.
Cartoon stories and up-to-date texts make learning enjoyable and help motivate students.
Balanced syllabus develops all four skills with plenty of opportunities for speaking and writing.
Grammar and vocabulary sections provide clear presentation and plenty of practice.
Songs, projects, and a play, plus revision sections throughout the Student's Book, help recycle and reinforce new language.
Gareth Davies, a teacher and teacher trainer based in Prague, presents some of the basic functions of the IWBs and gives tips on how to use them effectively.