неділя, 10 листопада 2013 р.

The interview process at Procter & Gamble is as follows:

First Round Interview

This will be with one Senior Manager and will last 45 minutes - 1 hour.

The interview will be entirely based around personal skills which Procter & Gamble define as "Success Drivers"

(see Procter & Gamble application process).

A section of the interview is likely to be competency based,

but even these interview questions will be measured against the company's "Success Drivers".

You should expect around 5 - 7 competency questions in your first interview.

During your interview it is unlikely you will be asked what you think of Procter & Gamble as a company,

or why you have applied for a specific role or function, although you should of course prepare for these questions.

Questions previous candidates have been asked include:

Can you tell me a time when you've overcome a problem in a professional environment to reach success?

Tell me about a time you have successfully led a team in the past.

What skills do you think you can bring to Procter & Gamble?

What is your greatest achievement?

Tell me about a time when you had to make an important decision and how did it turn out?

Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining different perspectives or approaches.

(This is a favourite, was asked in both first and second interviews.)

Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a conflict with a client, customer, or user.

Tell me about a time when you took a big risk, and how you mitigated it.

Tell us about a time when you worked with a team to tackle a problem.

Tell me about a time when you had to take the initiative to solve a problem.

Tell me about a time when you had to teach or training somebody, how you did it and how it turned out.

Tell me about a time when you influenced other people and why.

Tell me about a time when you had to adjust yourself.

Second Round Interview
If you have been successful at the first round, you will be invited to return for another interview,

this time with two Senior Managers from the function of Procter & Gamble you have applied to.

This second round interview will consist of further competency based interview questions and more taxing questions,

specifically about the function you have applied to and what you think you'll be doing as a graduate trainee.

Questions previous candidates have been asked include:

Can you tell me about a complex problem that you solved?

Describe the process you utilized.

Tell me about a time when you had to make a split second decision.

Tell me about a time when you set a goal and weren’t able to meet or achieve it.

Give me an example of a time when you used your expertise to solve a problem.

Tell me about a time when you responded to constructive criticism.

Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.

Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.

Describe a time when you were able to come up with a new idea that became the success of some activity or project.

In each of your interviews, you will be given around 15 minutes to ask questions about P&G.

Make sure you do your research and read as much as you can about the Company.

Ask intelligent questions that demonstrate your passion to work for P&G and your willingness to learn more about the Company.

Know the Company's Purpose, Values, and Principles (PVP), and some of their billion-dollar brands.

Click on the link and watch some more video tips from P&G.

Tell me about yourself

Steps to answer interview questions:

Step 1: Give a brief introduction about yourself:

For example: 
My name is Peter. I graduated from XYZ University with bachelor degree in Sales. After 5 years working as a Sales Manager, I have well experienced in training, mentoring and motivating other sales personnel to achieve the goals of the Company.

Step 2:
 Give a brief summary of your experience in your latest positions:

Give a summary of 2-3 latest companies that you have worked for and companies that have helped you succeed with your new jobs.

For example
: recently, I have worked for ABC Company as Sales Manager for North-East Region. With my skills from training courses, I developed many sales campaigns which contributed much to the development of new customers and maintenance of current customer base. After 6 months, my sales force and I did regain the company’s market and promote the sales revenue up by 37%.

Step 3: Connect your ability to the employer’s requirements:

Never assume that the employer will by himself be able to connect all of your abilities to the job requirements.

Step 4:
 Make a concerning question:

With a concerning question, it will help you gain “control” of the interview. You may reduce the stress of the interview with such questions.

For example: I would like to know the strong points of your company’s current Sales force.

Some tips in answering:
1. Records/references: when giving information about yourself, remember to provide records/references as well;

2. Don’t make up the information: your information will be kept as records for a long time when you are employed. Also, the employer has many ways to checking whether your information provided are correct or not. Therefore, give the most faithful information as possible;

3. Practice: to answer well an interview question, you can practice with your friends or do it by yourself in a private room. Be sure that your answer is brief and within 3 minutes;

4. Keep information brief and relevant: Try making your answers more and more concise; Try to give much information in as short time as possible;

5. Eliminate irrelevant and unnecessary information.
2 MsByzova   (23.07.2011 13:50)
Click on the link and read more 

Questions and answers to them

3 MsByzova   (23.07.2011 14:05)
Click on the link and continue reading 

Questions and answers to them

Tips for Video Interviewing

Advance Planning 

•Make sure that you send any materials (resume, etc.) that the recruiter needs in advance.
•Arrive early so you have time to get situated.
•Ask for assistance if you're not sure how to use the equipment. Actually, even if you think you can figure it out, it's good to ask for a quick overview.

What to Wear 

•Dress professionally. Wear the same interview attire you would for an in-person interview.
•Don't make the same mistake one candidate did! He wore a suit jacket, dress shirt, and tie, presuming that only the top half would show. However, when he stood up the interviewer saw a full-length view, including the jeans he was wearing.

During the Video Interview 

•Make sure the table is clean and neat. You don't want to distract the interviewer.
•Be aware that the microphone picks up all the noise in the room. Don't tap your pen or shuffle papers.
•Make eye contact. If you don't the camera will be focused on the top of your head.
•Use the Picture-in-Picture feature so you can see how you appear.

The Interview Process 

•The interview process will be the same as an in-person interview. The interviewer's objective (to screen candidates for employment) is the same.
•You will be asked the same type of interview questions. Also, be prepared to ask questions, as well.
•If you're not sure about how the interview is proceeding, it's fine to ask the interviewer how you are doing.

What's most important is to consider this type of interview is just as important as if you were meeting the interviewer in his or her office. The value, for yourself as well as for the hiring manager, is equivalent, and interviewing successfully, however it takes place, is the key to getting hired.
4 MsByzova   (24.07.2011 10:56)
PVP (Purpose, value, principles) of P&G

Taken together, our Purpose, Values and Principles are the foundation for P&G’s unique culture. Throughout our history of over 170 years, our business has grown and changed while these elements have endured, and will continue to be passed down to generations of P&G people to come.

Our Purpose unifies us in a common cause and growth strategy of improving more consumers’ lives in small but meaningful ways each day. It inspires P&G people to make a positive contribution every day.

Our Values reflect the behaviors that shape the tone of how we work with each other and with our partners.

And Our Principles articulate P&G’s unique approach to conducting work every day.

Click and listen more
5 MsByzova   (24.07.2011 10:59)
Procter & Gamble are looking for evidence of what they call “Success Drivers” at the interview.

These are specific core competencies that define how P&G people succeed in today's business environment. They are also how P&G measures performance in the Company.

Procter & Gamble "Success Drivers" fall into three categories:

The Power of P&G Minds - This is about your attitude to display an infinite curiosity, be eager to create with a healthy disregard for conventional thinking, to discover the world around you and your profession and form your idea of all this to then move your business forward.

Essentially, you need to show interviewers that you are willing to "think outside the box" and should show evidence of this if asked competency based questions about your past.

The Power of P&G People - Procter & Gamble want to establish a working environment where everybody feels free to contribute at their own best. You will need to show interviewers that you listen to other people's opinions and are prepared to keep an open mind to new ideas.

The Power of P&G Agility 
- Procter & Gamble are looking for potential employees who can jump from issue to issue quickly and decisively. You will need to show evidence of this in your interviews.